For Parents

Astra Preschool has a strong emphasis on active parent involvement in all the learning activities of the child. Our teachers enrich the educational experience for our students through activities and active involvement of parents in all those experiences help the child learn and also give everlasting memories for the child and the parent to cherish for a lifetime.

Parent teacher Meetings

We conduct regular PTMs (Parent-Teacher Meetings) to discuss the progress of the children as well as various initiatives and activities that are undertaken in Astra Preschool from time to time. Parents are requested to attend these meeting s mandatorily and on time in the best interest of their child.


Daily school attendance is not only vital to a child’s learning and educational success, but it also instils in the child a sense of punctuality and responsibility. We encourage parents to ensure their child attends the school regularly, unless there is some genuine cause for being absent.

Please keep the school informed when the child is absent and always send a absence note to the school in advance.

Each month, we recognise children who achieve 100% attendance and appreciate them to encourage them further to attend the school regularly.

Medical Information

If the child suffers from any allergies or has any medical health issues, kindly inform the school about the same. The children must be vaccinated as per schedule and the Vaccination details of the children must be provided to the school. This will help us ensure a safe and healthy environment to your child at school.

Student Records

The performance of each child will be evaluated all round the year through tests, assignments and exams and results of the same will be sent to the parents. The parents are requested to go through the same, sign and return the school records in right condition. The parents can meet the teachers to discuss the progress of the child with prior appointment.